Tag - biohack

AVE and Adaptability: the source to efficiency and prosperity

AVE - Audio Visual Entrainment using Light and Sound stimuli In recent times, Mind Machines have become biohacker's go-to tools for those looking to boost productivity while also reducing stress. These devices help you regenerate faster, accelerating your work and potential income. Consider this: the focus gained by utilizing Mind Machines can lead to significant time efficiency, allowing you to reflect, recharge and re-set your mind for the next task. The upfront investment becomes a stepping stone to a more lucrative, fulfilling...


Why the cheap, classic air purifiers are actually the most expensive and overall the worst

Classic air purifiers and their hidden costs A very important first factor to consider is the recommended maximum size of the room in which the air purifier will operate. This specification is an estimate made by the manufacturers based on their own tests and is by no means independently verified. So it might be a good idea to buy a purifier with a larger maximum coverage than your room. Cleaning filters on classic purifiers regularly The filter is the most important element of...


The power of positive affirmations

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t - you're right.” Henry Ford Have you ever thought you’ll never succeed? Brought yourself down and compared yourself to others because you are not doing “as well” as them? Most of us have negative thoughts, which influence our mood and confidence. The problem with negative thoughts is that they can become self-fulfilling prophecies. Instead of making yourself feel less, why don’t you try and bring yourself up? This is where positive affirmations can help change...